Sunday, March 20, 2011


We are down to less than 2 WEEKS!!! This trip is seriously all I can think about, the people we are going to meet and the things we are going to see and be apart of! Its so exciting! Mr O told us this week that the village in Madala (which we are going to be in Sunday the 3) wanted to slaughter a goat for us!
Now if you're like me then the first thought that comes through your mind is "ew.. no thanks" but then I realized that this was super generous for them. Mr O told us that this one goat could be food for around a year in the village

WOW. They would give up their source of food (a necessity!) for US. I cannot tell you how selfish I felt realizing that I have a hard time donating my own little pocket change for a school fundraiser because I'm thinking of the shoes at Forever 21 that I want to go get after school.. Talk about a low point. We were able to talk them into saving the goat for themselves but the thought is so humbling.

I cannot wait to go to this place where it is going to seem like a different world where the saying "whats mine is yours" actually exists and the love, happiness, and hospitality for even a stranger is overwhelming and genuine. God is going to be revealed to me in ways that I have never experienced, and I know that I will not be the same person when I come back home. I can just feel a permanent "Jesus High" coming on me and I am so excited!

Pray that as these last weeks come we will not stress about any unfinished preparations, pray for illness (thanks to the pollen), pray for security and comfort, and pray that we stay focused on the purpose of the trip and the One who we are going on the trip for!

So you’ll go out in joy, you’ll be led into a whole and complete life. The mountains and hills will lead the parade, bursting with song. All the trees of the forest will join the procession, exuberant with applause.-Isaiah 55:12


  1. I actually thought goat was really delicious (maybe it was only because I had only had crackers, oranges, and sandwiches for a few days). But it's true that when you go, as much as you would try to have it otherwise, they will serve you more than you serve them. It is one of the most humbling experiences I've ever had.

  2. Rob, I'm so glad you are following our blog. Do you have any advice?
