Friday, March 11, 2011

As the time to leave grows closer and closer, I am getting strangely calm about this trip. I still have so much to do, but God has been good to me and has been giving me some peace in hectic times. Awseome things have been happening as we near our time of departure. Currently we are doing a book drive to bring childrens books, teaching posters and Bibles over to Tanzania. These will be given to Sala Sala Primary school and the mobile library there. This school has 5 classrooms, 500 children and 4-6 teachers. Mr. O'Neil showed us pictures of it and I was truly touched. It really convicted me about how flippantly I sometimes take my education and how blessed I am to have all these teachers and resources at Westminster. Please pray for us as we collect these books, that more will keep coming in and we will find a way to pack everything. May God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. How excited I am for you to have this experience.
    It will open your eyes in ways you couldn't have imagined. Joshua 1:9
